Emotional distress following a car accident can manifest in many ways. Some people experience a fear of vehicles, recurring nightmares about the accident that prohibit normal sleep, constant anxiety stemming from the accident, or depression as a result of injuries sustained. If you have been injured in a car accident in South Dakota, then you […]
Here’s What Information Your Lawyer Needs After a Car Accident
A car accident is unpredictable, and it may feel overwhelming or confusing to figure out what to do after one occurs. The following guide will help answer all of your questions about what to do after a car accident, including whether you need a lawyer and what information your lawyer will need.
The 4 Most Important Things You Should Ask for in a Car Accident Settlement
Car accidents happen without warning. Life following a collision is also unpredictable. Recovery may disrupt your life in ways that are not easily measured by dollars and cents. Often, the most significant losses don’t come with receipts, and it can be difficult to express your needs to an insurance company.
How to Know Who Is Liable in a Car Accident
In the aftermath of a crash, it is vital to focus on your own recovery. Generally, the question of who is responsible for the accident won’t be too significant until later when you need help dealing with the financial and medical issues that arise. Once you are fully healed and recovered from the collision, you […]
Why Pedestrian Deaths Are at a 28-Year High and What You Can Do If You Lost a Loved One
Pedestrian deaths have jumped in recent years, up 46 percent between 2009 and 2016. You can take action and get help through a wrongful death lawsuit claim if your loved one was killed in an accident.
How Does Insurance Calculate Car Accident Settlements?
After a car accident, bills pile up quickly. Depending on the severity of the crash, you may face medical costs, time off work and replacing your vehicle. It is tempting to arrange a car accident lawsuit settlement as soon as possible, but a rushed resolution can result in less than you deserve. Insurance companies review […]
South Dakota Car Accidents: What to Do if You Are in A Wreck on I-29
This past summer, news reports of car accidents on the South Dakota section of the I-29 were a stark reminder of road hazards on major highways. In August alone, six people were injured in a crash north of Sioux Falls and a driver suffered after a rollover crash near mile marker 61. As the winter […]
The Newest Legal Questions about Self-Driving Cars and Car Accident Liability
Even in the most complicated cases, there are established rules to determine who should pay after a vehicle collision. Those rules are based on decades of information about driver behavior, with little consideration for changes to automotive technology.
Your Vehicle Was Just Wrecked in an Accident. What Are You Entitled to From Your Auto Insurance Company?
If your car or truck was damaged in a collision, you may be entitled to something – but what? If you’re like most people, you don’t have spare vehicles sitting around, much less a cash fund available to replace a car or truck if the one you usually drive is suddenly unavailable. But a vehicle […]
Your Vehicle Was Wrecked, and It Wasn’t Your Fault! Now What?
Your car or truck was damaged in an accident that wasn’t your fault. What are you entitled to from the other driver or his insurance company?
Slammed by a Semi? Settlement Secrets You Need to Know
If you have been involved in an accident with a semi-truck, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and damages.
What Is a Subrogation Claim? Why Should You Care?
Unless you have been involved in an accident where your health or auto insurer was reimbursed for payments it made, you probably do not know what a subrogation claim is—but here is why you should.